God Ram, Mata Seeta, Lakshman and Hanuman ji, Raavan and his associates are all a part of our own existence so beautifully expressed by Sage Valmiki and Tulsidas ji in their respective writings. Today while we celebrate the victory of Good over Evil, we can examine what happens and how to be victorious
Seeta represents Jeevatma. Whenever the Jeev breaches the line of righteousness it falls prey to the vices of evil Ravana. Interestingly all of us are aware of what is right and what is not; which path to lead and what to avoid. All have the same innate thirst and quest for happiness, peace, pure love, mutual respect, forgiveness and care. But still we find within and around lot of chaos, struggle and helplessness. The Jeeva fails to live with these virtues and fall victim to endless desires, anger, greed, attachment, ego, jealousy, lust, rage, etc.

When the Jeeva finds itself in this state of helplessness only a Supreme Power can come to rescue. Navdurga was the time to invoke those heavenly powers and hold them together to kill the demons. Going by the legend of Ramayan, God had to kill Ravana and while he was beheading his heads, they were constantly re-emerging like the Raktbeej in his was against Maa Durga.
Finally Maryadapurushottama Ram aimed at his navel center (nahi) and shot the arrow signifying the body consciousness and killing the demon. When Godly powers are invoked they incarnate and fight away the evil and eventually the war ends with the sadhak moving away from the body consciousness and orienting itself towards the virtues of pure soul; the virtues of compassion, care, love and forgivesness.
Devi Durga also kills the demon Mahishasura after 9 days of long and ferocious battle. Mahabharata says how Arjuna singlehandedly puts all the Kauravas to sleep using the sammohan Vidya after performing his austerities for 9 days to Goddess Durga. All these point towards one common teaching. Learn to invoke the Godly powers, Wisely handle them and direct them towards the evil so as to silent them. We all have our own battlefields of Mahabharat or Lanka; we all have the Seeta and Draupadi to be protected; and we all have our own Ayodhyas & Hastinapur to be taken care off.
From here on try to live in the same copiousness and spread the light all around. Happy Dusshera and Deepawali