Globally 264 mn people suffer with depression
Every 40 secs someone commits suicide on this planet; which means by the time you will finish reading this article 3+ people would have chosen to die.
35% of people do not feel they get enough sleep, impacting both their physical and mental health.
65% of office workers have experienced office rage
45% of staff regularly lose their temper at work
71% of internet users get so frustrated searching the net they suffer net rage
1 in 4 adults have committed an act of road rage.
Men are 3 times more likely to commit an aggressive act than women
40% of aggression is perpetuated by people in the 25-34 age group
The world is still at record levels of sadness and anger
By 2030, mental health problems (particularly depression) will be the leading cause of mortality and morbidity globally
WHO-led study estimates that depression and anxiety disorders cost the global economy US$ 1 trillion each year in lost productivity
Needless to mention about the heinous crimes like rape, murder, acid attacks and terrorism being spread as a result of this metal weakness. India alone registered 80 murders and 76 reported rapes per day in 2020
Need more insights to understand how deep and serious this situation is? Remember, we are no separate from this world. We are this world. The wildfire of depression, anxiety, panic attacks, hypertension, anger, insomnia, etc is already hurting us
On this World Mental Health Day, the writer would not like to expand further because these statistics by themselves are alarming and awakening
The only submission we would like to make is Take a Pause n Learn to be Happy, not because it is your necessity or choice but because it is your responsibility. When you skillfully shift your consciousness to the frequency of happiness you help numerous others without they getting to know about it. Has it not ever happened to you that you felt happy, energized, enthusiastic or motivated without any reason? Well there definitely is a reason. Someone far away chose to be happy so that the world can be a happier place.
Take a moment right now in promise yourself not to remain hurt dejected disoriented sad not to be held back by your grease and guilds but to learn the skill of being happy.
If you are reading this article also note that Pause n Learn extends its NEW MENTAL HEALTH FREE HELPLINE (+91-952 927 8264) from today (10th October). Anyone in need can ping us on this number (only whatsapp) and get help. Help spread the word because the world needs it.